Drostanolone Propionate Genesis


Buy Drostanolon Genesis with 100mg of 10ml of Masteron. Order Drostanolone Propionate at Steroidshop.org The Steroid Shop for Drostanolone Genesis Propionate Masteron 100mg 10ml.

anabolic steroid: drostanolone propionate
Steroids Label: Genesis Steroids
Drostanolone half-life: 4-6 days
Masteron Steroid Dosage: 100 mg every 2 days
Masteron Steroid Cure: 6 to 10 weeks
Verifiability: 3-5 weeks

Genesis Steroidshop: Online Masteron Propionate 100mg 10ml Buy Drostanolone Genesis

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Buy Drostanolon Genesis with 100mg of 10ml of Masteron. Order Drostanolone Propionate at Steroidshop.org The Steroid Shop for Drostanolone Genesis Propionate Masteron 100mg 10ml.

anabolic steroid: drostanolone propionate
Steroids Label: Genesis Steroids
Drostanolone half-life: 4-6 days
Masteron Steroid Dosage: 100 mg every 2 days
Masteron Steroid Cure: 6 to 10 weeks
Verifiability: 3-5 weeks

Genesis Steroidshop: Online Masteron Propionate 100mg 10ml Buy Drostanolone Genesis

Buy Drostanolone Genesis

Buy Drostanolon Genesis at Genesis Steroids Steroid Shop. Your steroid source for your next steroid regimen with Masteron Propionate.

Drostanolon Genesis Propionat Masteron is known to many athletes under the trade name Masteron. This steroid is an ideal product for competition preparation. As a derivative of DHT, the active steroid ingredient does not convert to estrogen at any dose. Therefore, there is no risk of increased water or fat storage, and gynecomastia is not a problem either. The liver is not stressed by this active ingredient. Drostanolone Propionate works in a similar way to Trenbolone, with the only difference being that Drostanolone Propionate is more androgenic, but less anabolic.With Masteron, the aggressiveness and strength of training is higher than with Trenbolone, while with Trenbolone more muscle growth can be achieved. Bodybuilders want to buy Drostanolone Magnus Propionate over the counter at the steroid store.

Drostanolone Propionate Genesis in sports

In sports, Drostanolone Genesis Propionate is injected by athletes who want to achieve muscle growth and hardness. Since it binds to the aldosterone receptor and thus helps dehydrate, it is generally used 4 to 8 weeks before a diet and in preparation for competition. Masteron Propionat helps improve training performance and recovery time during a steroid regimen. It is often combined with other anabolic steroids, for example with various testosterones such as Trenbolone Acetate or Winstrol (Stanozolol).

Drostanolone Genesis Propionate Dosage

The dose of Drostanolone Magnus Propionat is 50 to 100 mg of Masteron every other day. Bodybuilders say that the best value for money is to take 400mg of Drostanolone Propionate every week. Now the recommended steroid dosage of Synthex SA is interesting to the steroid label manufacturer of Drostanolone which has a higher dosage in the medical range of 167 mcg. Drostanolone GEP per kilogram of body weight per day.

That would mean a dose of 167 mg of drostanolone per day for an athlete with a body weight of one hundred kilograms.

This steroid information text is not a recommendation or advice on the subject matter of Masteron and is not intended to serve as a guide, but only to provide information in the area of ​​steroids.

Masteron Propionate 100 mg against breast cancer

Masteron Propionate was originally manufactured by the Syntex company for medical use and treatment of women with breast cancer.The success of this steroid became popular in a short time.

This anabolic steroid is used by bodybuilders who have already trained a low percentage of body fat. The main use is in competition preparation to burn unnecessary and excess fat. Also, the last remaining water retention will burn off and you will look very dry and hard.

The steroid synthesis of the DHT derivative drostanolone propionate was first described in 1959. It was not until the late 1960s that Drolban Syntex, a drostanolone propionate steroid used to fight breast cancer in women, was launched. women.

Drostanolone Genesis Propionate Half Life

The half-life of Drostanolone Genesis Propionat 100 mg is a maximum of two days because the propionate ester of Masteron Propionat is a short ester. That is why Masteron athletes inject every day or every other day. From underground steroid laboratories like Magnus Pharma, Genesis, Vermodje or British Dragon, anabolic steroids with a half-life of about 5 days are now known on the market and sell drostanolone enanthate and thus achieve a duration of testosterone enanthate steroid effect. or primobolan.

Drostanolone Genesis Steroids Side Effects

Estrogenic side effects Drostanolone Drostanolone Genesis Propionate Steroid do not occur when using Masteron. Unwanted water retention or gynecomastia are not a problem. Ingestion does not cause high blood pressure or liver damage.

By using drostanolone, the natural production of testosterone in the body is suppressed. So stop taking steroids correctly with post cycle therapy with HCG and clomiphene!

Otherwise, there are androgenic side effects such as excessive hair loss, acne, and hair growth on the back. High cholesterol is also a typical side effect of Drostanolone Magnus Propionate.

Properties of Masteron Side Effects:

  • androgenic index 25
  • Progestational activity: low
  • Liver toxicity: low
  • Anabolic index -62
  • Estrogen levels: very low
  • Drostanolone Genesis Propionate Steroid

    This Drostanolone Genesis propionate steroid has exceptional anti-estrogenic and anabolic properties. Before a competition, Masteron Propionat helps reduce unnecessary body fat and become drier, as well as preventing unnecessary water retention. Dry with Drostanolone Magnus Propionat until the veins appear. During a steroid regimen, 5-7% more fat is burned than with a natural athlete.

  • Reach a certain body weight.
  • defined muscle mass
  • Maintaining the quality of your muscle mass.
  • Reduce water retention.
  • Radical fat burning.
  • Properly Discontinuing Genesis Masteron Propionate

    Post-cycle therapy after a Genesis Masteron propionate steroid regimen begins 15-19 days after the last injection. After each steroid regimen, a complete and adequate post-cycle therapy is necessary, in which testosterone-stimulating additives such as Nolvadex or HCG should be used. that testosterone production begins normally again.
    Masteron Propionate has no estrogen flavor and therefore does not require estrogen protection like Arimidex throughout the steroid regimen.

    Masteron Propionate Steroid Stack

    Masteron Propionate should never be taken alone, always in combination with other androgenic and anabolic steroids such as Testosterone, Oxandrolone or Stanozolol. A popular steroid stack is with Trenbolone Acetate or Boldenone.

    Drostanolone Genesis Propionate Steroid Cure

    A course of steroids Drostanolon Propionate Genesis with Masteron should be planned for about 10-12 weeks. This would result in little fat gain and no water retention.

    Steroid Cure Hobbyists: 50 mg of Masteron Propionate every other day and 100-150 mg of Testosterone Propionate. The percentage of testosterone should always be higher than that of the steroid Drostanolone.

    Athletes on a steroid regimen: 100 mg every other day, as well as 150-200 mg of testosterone propionate and 50 mg of anaver oxandrolone.

    Steroid regimen bodybuilders: 150 mg of drostanolone and 150 mg of trenbolone acetate every 2 days, as well as 200 mg of testosterone propionate daily or every other day plus 50 mg of oxandrolone.

    Women on a steroid regimen: 50 mg of Masteron Propionate every other day.

    Buy Masteron Drostanolone Genesis Propionate online at Steroidshop.org for next steroid regimen.



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